Ethan will be 9 months old in two days! We have been working on sitting for a very long time! While it may take him a while to perfect his form, we sure are amazed and excited about this milestone. The PT and OT said he was "officially" sitting when he sat for more than one minute this morning during the combined PT/OT session. He was even turning his head and grabbing for toys while maintaining his balance! We are so very proud of him!
I don't think this is exactly how it works, but I had to share anyway. I believe with all my heart that God does not make mistakes, and although I will fully admit that it hurts my heart that any child is born (or develops) disabilities and/or life threatening illness, I know that God is sovereign and that He has a divine plan (even when we don't understand it!). I believe that God brought Jeff and I together and that He knew Ethan even as he was growing inside of me. While this is not the journey we would have dreamed of or chosen, and there are going to be times (and have been already) when we struggle, stumble and fall it is our hope that in the end that we will bring glory and honor to the Lord. God Chooses Mom for Disabled Child Written by Erma Bombeck Published in the Today Newspaper Sept. 4th, 1993 Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures, and a couple by habit. This year, nearly 100,000 women will become mother
What a milestone!! Congrats on your big accomplishment! :) love the video!